Have you ever had a passion project before? One where you worked day and night (many late nights in fact) to bring to life?
When they say building a business is like raising a child, they’re not kidding. Silk + Snow has really become our ‘baby’ because we’re passionate about our mission to make mattress shopping painless and simple. We believe quality doesn’t always mean costly, and we truly believe that everyone deserves to find their sleep spot.
And now the time has come where we release our project to the world — with the big day ahead tomorrow, we just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you, for believing in what we believe in and for supporting our journey so far.
We also wanted to share a sneak peek of the pretty sweet deals we put together for our earliest supporters — after all, we created them with you in mind! Remember that top notch encasement mattress protector we talked about in our last post? We decided to include one with every mattress size, so you’ll get one, absolutely free, if you’re one of the first buyers of our mattress
But remember, early bird rewards are limited, so we really want you, our original supporters, to get dibs on them first. We would hate for you to miss out on the rewards that were created specifically for you!
The day before any big launch is full of nerves, excitement and optimism — we hope you’re as excited as we are!
If you haven’t already, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and watch out for our updates tomorrow!